Howl 'Boo' Rider
a freelance creator located in Seattle, WA.

Hi hello, I'm a self-taught artist and storyteller...
Who has somehow stumbled into the world of 2D videogame art?
☆ @stopboorider on most platforms ☆
Email for work inquiries!

Professional Portfolio

While I've been doing art professionally since 2012, in the spring of 2019 I made the jump to working as a full time freelance artist.My work includes fashion design, item and icon assets, characters and creatures, and general assets for 2D video games.Previously I worked with Vodeo Games and Tattered World.You can see my most recent work in Beast Breaker, a turn-based, mouse-bouncing adventure, available on the Nintendo Switch and Epic Games Store.

Full Portfolio
If you're interested in hiring me, please reach out!

Casual Commissions

In my free time I end up drawing a lot of more casual art, mostly of my own original stories and characters. I also take on personal commissions, including icons, portraits, and outfit design.

Videogame Work

Beast Breaker - 2021
A turn-based brick-breaking RPG made with Vodeo Games.
Around 300 icons made for abilities, consumables, armors, clues, items and other small square shaped spaces within the game.
Available on Nintendo Switch and PC/MAC

The Beanery Demo - 2019
A demo made with James Reiati.
Work on project includes all art assets, character
and play screen designs, and the story/dialogue writing.
Free Download on
[a controller is required, PC only.]

Glitchsweeper - 2018
A re-skin of an html5 Minesweeper game for Tattered World, to fit the aesthetic of the newly released scifi cyberpunk section of the website and include specific story related elements.
Playable on Tattered World.

Shazz and Boo Lets Play

At the start of 2020, my partner and I started Youtube and Twitch channels, where I play games and Shazzbaa... helps!
Because we live on opposite sides of the country.
And want to play videogames together.
While the content is in no way professional, it's already become a major passion project of ours. Please enjoy our videos, complete with alright visual quality, working on it but still sometimes imbalanced audio, and every minute filled with love.

Patreon + Kofi

I run a sketch blog on Patreon!
It helps keep me fed while I mess around with being freelance, and learn from my sure-to-be-many mistakes. Updates about once a month with whatever non-NDA arts I have at the time.

I also have a Ko-Fi page for single donations!